Elevate Virtual Supply Chain Conference October 5-8


Ideal for every professional that is passionate about technology, Elevate APAC offers a platform for supply chain distribution, logistics, and transport professionals, through to retail operations and ecommerce as well as emerging graduates, to learn, develop, and network.

Register by September 15 for the Early Bird Discount:

$49 AUD per attendee ($99 AUD after September 15)

$175 AUD for 5 attendees ($199 AUD after September 15)

elevate APAC 2021 Conference Agenda

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7 Crucial Supply Chain Tips for Ecommerce Business


A well-managed supply chain is integral in any e-commerce business. For one, proper supply chain management ensures a streamlined delivery of products.

This means that customers can receive the right products straight to their doorstep, without delay. And it does not matter whether you are an online retail store or you do drop-shipping. A reliable supply chain management ensures customer satisfaction.

That said, we have listed seven crucial tips you can use to optimize your supply chain for a successful e-commerce business.

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Warehouse management system: how to make the supply chain run like clockwork


What happens with a supply chain that is managed ineffectively? Usually, it leads to excess inventory which in turn results in spoilage, shift demand, or damages. From a financial standpoint, a company would face increased storage costs as well as increased waste. And in terms of management, the absence of updated and accurate information on shipping inevitably leads to customer dissatisfaction.

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Workforce Management in Smart Warehouses

Digitalization is rushing through the world of logistics centers. There is hardly a logistics center that does not deal with process automation, robotics or picking technologies. The focus is usually on how operational processes can be improved through technology. Ultimately, however, it is not (only) machines that run the logistics center, but people. And beyond the warehouse management and picking technologies used, these employees must be scheduled and controlled operationally. Reason enough to take a closer look at this topic.

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Integrated Supply Chain: What value does it provide?


Enhanced transparency and visibility across all operations in real time is probably the biggest advantage that integrated SCM can bring to businesses. Accurately generated reports based on big data allow forecasting demand, better plan procurement, improve logistics management, and make a positive impact on the inventory. By selecting a credible software provider, a business can significantly enhance its visibility, promote trusted cooperation, optimize operations, increase customer satisfaction and establish long-term viability.

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The Largest 10 Warehouses in the World


Have you ever wondered how big a warehouse can get? Rack after rack, an endless number of rows – some of these buildings have enormous proportions and are considered to be among the largest constructions in the world.

We have compiled a list of the 10 biggest warehouses on this planet. For a better imagination how big these warehouses really are, we also converted all square feet or square meters into football field sizes. And here you go…

Australasia has 6 of the top 10 most livable cities in the world


According to The Economist, cities in Australasia have the best conditions in the world for a livable environment. With the rest of the planet on the mend, now is the time to introduce digital technologies and automation to supply chains in our neck of the woods. When the global economy bounces back, Korber can help your business be ready.

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